Tips for an international student in finding Part time jobs in Ireland
It is always exciting for students or individuals to find a part time job in Ireland. The major aim behind this motive can be to earn an additional income or to gain work experience in the relevant field. The real challenge is navigating through the job market and finding the suitable one because as an international student you would be unaware of the cultural difference, limited work opportunities, and work rules. You need not worry in that case if you partner with Reya Consultancy the best abroad education consultants Chennai as we assist the international students to find part-time jobs. However, in this blog, we will know about the real-time strategies to secure your part-time job.
Work-Regulations In Ireland For Part-Time Jobs:
Before, know the tips in securing and finding the right part-time jobs, let us know the country’s regulation on the same.
As a non-European Economic Area (EEA) student, the Indian student is supposed to get a work-permit from INIS, i.e, Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service before you express the interest for the part-time work.
Working Hours:
Indian students have the freedom to work 20 hours while studying and full-time during the holiday time.
Thirdly, the minimum wages paid in Ireland for the International students is € 10.20 per hour as per the statistics taken in 2021. Hence, the part-time employees are bound to receive this much amount for every hour they worked.
Any student earning any type of income is bound to Irish taxation law. Hence, the students will be asked to get PPSN i.e, Personal Public Service Number and a tax number. So, during the year’s end you are obliged to file a tax return and hence it is essential to keep track of your earnings.
Visa Requirements:
It is to be noted that students with full-time one year courses work part-time. However, it may change for some specific visas. Hence, always check-out INIS website to know the category you fall in.
Tips In Finding Part-Time Jobs At Ireland:
Do Your Job Research Early:
Start looking for part-time jobs early as soon as you reach Ireland or even before. However, universities and colleges have career centres or job boards which will help you to find one.
Look For Relevant Jobs:
It is always ideal to choose the jobs that are relevant to your field. It will help you to gain work experience and adds value to your resume.
Increase Your Network:
It is also advisable to join associations, clubs, and societies which can lead you to suitable job offers.
Online job websites and recruiting agencies can also be considered for searching part-time jobs.
The following are the popular part-time jobs available for the International students in Ireland. They are,
- Hospitality
- Retail
- Customer Service
- Administrative Roles
Hence, we have demystified the hunt for part-time in Ireland and make sure to use them to find an ideal part-time job. Approach Reya Consultancy, the best UK education consultants in Chennai for your study in Ireland and to handle the entire process seamlessly.